These products both contain color but they have totally different applications. Punky Colour is a semi-permanent color that lasts 20-30 shampoos; Punky Colour 3n1 is a color refreshing shampoo conditioner that is used to refresh color not replace it. It fades with several washings with regular shampoo. The fade is tone on tone.

Depends on length of hair and number of times you shampoo a week. Since the product comes in an 8.5 oz. bottle and you use 1 oz. per application then you could use the product 8 ½ times. Shorter hair the less you would use so you could get double that number of uses.

Shampoo with a strong cleansing shampoo or you can use dish soap. In both cases you should condition after do maintain the hairs integrity.

It’s primarily a color refreshing shampoo + conditioner and usually the hair is bleached when an intense demi-permanent is applied. However the product can be used on hair which is not bleached to a limited effect. More for a shimmer or to impart a tonal effect. The intensity is determined by the degree of porosity the hair has.

That is why the product was created; to act as a color refresher for either permanent or semi/demi permanent colors

It’s a shampoo + conditioner so you need to wet the hair and apply it like a shampoo

See above answer; it’s a shampoo + conditioner

It will make the hair appear more conditioned and shiny.

This product does not replace a demi-permanent color; it is a color refresher; so it acts more like a toner than a demi-permanent color. It will impart the silver/platinum shades on bleached hair.

Works best if you have bleached hair so the true color can come through. It will not change your natural hair color but it will add a hint of silver to your hair color. Any level of brown or black may become slightly darker but unless the hair is very porous (damaged) not be noticeable.

This is a brown color refreshing shampoo + conditioner. Only permanent hair color will cover grey; this product will blend grey not cover it. It will not touch up roots. You need peroxide and permanent hair color to do that.

It’s a color refreshing shampoo + conditioner. It can be used wherever you shampoo your hair.

You will get more deposit if you use it past the 3-5 minutes recommended in the instructions. However, it does not guarantee it will last longer, and unlike a demi permanent color, it may not deposit pigment uniformly as it has a conditioning shampoo base not a true color base.

If you have “virgin” hair, hair which is not chemically compromised in any way, then the only benefit you probably will experience is very conditioned and shiny hair. There might be some tonal effect, but it really depends on the degree of porosity (damage).

Yes. Pastels are soft and delicate tones. These were created to give maximum color quickly within 1-5 minutes. You could not control the deposit if you want to refresh pastel tones. The result would be somewhere in between a pastel and full color tone. More on the intense side. We do not recommend diluting the product in any fashion. This will upset the balance ratio of the dyes used along with the conditioning and shampoo benefits in the formula.

Whichever color you use on your Flamingo Pink highlights will affect the Flamingo Pink highlights. And if you do use the 3N1, I would basically apply and then take it off. Don’t leave it on for more than 1 or 2 minutes.

It will make the hair appear shiny and conditioned.

This product works faster, stays longer and makes your hair more conditioned and healthier appearing.

Except for temporary hair color, Punky, NRage, and RAW hair color may stain the skin and stain fabric such as clothing, towels, bedding materials, furniture tiles, grout, and countertops. It will stain anything that is porous. Cover the area where you are applying and removing (Punky/RAW/NRage) with plastic bags, plastic wrap, foil, newspapers, or any other materials you can discard to make sure you don’t get any unwanted staining. Rinse hair directly under a faucet and away from your face, neck, or body. DO NOT rinse your hair in the shower as the color is likely to splatter and stain your shower and/or tub. Bathroom surfaces are porous, so don’t take any chances.

To help lessen any staining, peroxide-based cleansers can be used along with bleach or bleach-based cleaning sprays. You can also try equal parts of baking soda and liquid dish soap mixed into a paste and applied to the stained areas. Toothpaste applied to a cloth and rubbed in circular motions with a little bit of warm water may also help remove staining.

Punky Colour products carry customary warnings to not be used around the eyes.

All 3n1 Punky Colours are sulfate, paraben, ammonia, peroxide, PPD, and gluten-free. It's also vegan and tested on humans.

All 3n1 Punky Colour products are developed specifically for hair that has been pre-lightened or bleached. We took the most damaged hair and created a formula that would restore it to its natural softness, shiny and condition. These specific ingredients make the hair come alive with shine and body. On Natural hair color or hair that has not been chemically treated in any way, the result gives hair a healthy conditioned glow and a shimmery tonal value.

Punky Colour does not test on animals, only humans.


WaterWorks is a permanent hair color which covers gray 100%.

No. Waterworks mixes with water not peroxide. It has no ammonia and does not need peroxide to cover gray. So there is no lift of natural pigment only deposit.

Waterworks is perfectly safe to use on hair that is chemically treated.

No, Waterworks is a permanent hair color which means it will fade but it will not wash out.

No, because WaterWorks does not lighten natural hair color. It is a deposit only, permanent hair color. And WaterWorks are all cool based hair colors. You only add water to make it work.

Yes, it is perfectly safe for relaxed, straightened, or permed hair. Just follow the easy directions and mix with water.


Touch of Color is a temporary color product which will remain on your hair until you wash it off which means you can reapply after each shampoo or whenever the gray starts to peek through.

No allergy test is required since Touch of Color is based on temporary color pigments which do not require allergy tests.

From Shampoo to Shampoo.

Dries in less than 60 seconds and remains on until you wash your hair.

Touch of Color is a temporary color so there is no staining on the skin or scalp.

The applicator is designed to give you control of the amount of product being dispensed through the brush heads. The brush heads were designed to spread a very thin application onto the hair so that the product can't be overused. You only need a thin layer to do the job of covering your grays.

If your hair is more medium brown, I would choose the dark brown. It will give you more complete coverage of your grays, and the brush heads spread a very fine layer onto the hair. And it's always better to keep away from bright roots.


Solve any hair color problem quickly and easily. Whether it's gray coverage, too much red, too much gold, scalp irritation, color staining, or not fast enough color processing, the family of color solutions products are the answer.

Gray Magic

It helps to cover even the most resistant gray hair when added to your tint formula. It makes the hair color last longer, fade less and helps tone down green (ashy) tones in hair color.

The packette is premeasured which means that the entire contents of a Gray Magic packette (7mL) is added to a regular tint mixture of 2 oz. of color. If you are using a bottle (1/4 oz. & 1 oz.) simply add 10 drops per ounce of color.

No. The amount of time you keep the tint on your hair does not change.

Any permanent hair color tint except medium blonde and lighter.

Only add the amount recommended by the hair color manufacturer. Typically equal amounts of peroxide or some require adding 1.5 to 1.


Added to a tint, UnRed will eliminate unwanted red, brassy or orange cast to hair. So if your brown tint looks too red or if there is any reddish cast in your hair color, UnRed will eliminate that problem.

Best when used in a permanent hair color for the optimum effect. May be used with hennas, semi permanent color, bleaches or lighteners but the effect is more staining than permanent effect.

The packette is premeasured which means that the entire contents of an UnRed packette are added to a regular tint mixture of 2 oz. of color. If you are using a bottle (1/4 oz. or 1 oz.) simply add 10 drops per ounce of color.

No, UnRed does not affect processing time.

Perfect for brown tints that are going too red or any hair color which seems to be pulling too much warmth (red).

Yes, you can do a touch up to help tone down faded, oxidized, or brassy, reddish-brown hair by mixing 1 packette of UnRed with 2 oz. of water. Apply to damp hair and distribute evenly with a wide-tooth comb. Allow to remain in the hair for 20 minutes, shampoo, rinse, and style as usual. Or you can use it to touch up or tone down between coloring by adding 1 packette or 40 drops to 8 oz. of shampoo. Use this as often as you want to help tone down red, brass, or dull brown hair.


It helps to eliminate scalp irritation and minimize peroxide and ammonia damage. Also, it prevents porous ends from over-processing and is effective when used in toners to ensure even coverage and color depth.

To help equalize porosity and restore balance to hair damaged by sun, wind, or chlorine, add 1 packette to 8 oz. of shampoo, mix well, and apply to wet hair. Lather, keep in the hair for 1-3 minutes, rinse, and style as usual. To help with scalp irritation, mix 1 packette to any color or bleach mixture or to perm solution. Process according to the manufacturer's directions.


It helps to remove any type of color stains from scalp, skin, and hairline in a mild, gentle, non-irritating formula which helps to also moisturize and protect the skin. Use directly from the bottle or apply to a soft cloth and work into area where there are stains. Application may be repeated as needed. Will also help to remove clothing stains.